In other news, we had the opportunity to be a part of a missions conference this week with one of our supporting churches First Alliance Church of Erie. We didn't actually go to the US for it, but we did get to email stuff and then got to Skype with people on Saturday. It was really neat, and even Seth was willing to talk to people he didn't know on the computer! But the best part was seeing Grandma Y there as that is their church. Seth was a little confused but seemed to understand it later when I was able to better explain. We are so grateful to be a part of FAC in Erie. They are amazing prayer warriors over there! (And whoever invented Skype, THANK YOU! It's such a huge blessing to be able to video chat for free with our family and friends back home!)
And the 2010-2011 basketball season is officially over! Kevin was in Salzburg all weekend for the final tournament, which they won, and so it is finished. They went undefeated this season and just had a great time...even with numerous injuries. We still have to have a basketball party sometime, but now Kevin will be home in the evenings. Yeah! We have had lots of people share links to basketball pictures, so I will have to get some of those and put them on here. There are some great shots by some great photographers!
(Oh, and the girls won their tournament in Salzburg, too! One of the senior girls ran up to me at church yesterday and gave me the biggest hug and was so excited to tell me about their victory. It was sweet. I will miss these seniors!)
We love Skype too! :)
Can't imagine not having skype! So happy for Kevin's teams success! They have a great coach! Love you guys.
Have no idea how they are going to send all the stuff that was collected for you guys. Your care package tub was OVERFLOWING and there were still people bringing things when I left. They better not take out the Double-Stuf Oreos I walked all the way to the back of Wegman's for - Ha!!
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