partner with us

We are here in Hungary through the prayer and financial support of so many friends and family who give generously. We are always excited to have more people join us! We love to hear from people, too, especially how we can be praying for you.

We have never been at 100% of our support needed, and yet the Lord has always provided for us to remain here. Let us know if you are interested in becoming involved with our ministry here. We are here with the organization TeachBeyond. We just transitioned to them in the summer of 2011 after being in Hungary for 4 years with another mission. The transition has gone smoothly, and we already love them. :)

To make a tax-deductible donation, send to:
PO Box 6248
Bloomingdale, IL 60108-6248
* Include our name in the memo line

Or to give online, click here.