Most of the people at our church are Hungarian, many who also speak English. We sing most songs in Hungarian. That is difficult to do anyway, much less when you don't even know the tune to sing in English. It seems that we sing quite a number of songs that I have never even heard, so it makes it difficult to try and practice the language through singing when I don't know the tune. I am always grateful when we sing a song I know so that I can at least try to pronounce as many words as I can. Slow songs are much easier than the fast ones!
We have been putting Seth in the nursery at church now, and that was hard at first, not because I couldn't be apart from him but because of the language thing. It's hard to drop your kid off when you're not sure if anyone speaks English. We found that there are at least two nursery workers who speak English who are there every week, and they recognize us and come to us immediately to help us out. I am grateful for them being patient with us non-Hungarian speakers.
I have decided that Monday is going to be my weekly trip to the grocery store. I am trying to be better at menu planning, and I am doing better now than I had been in the past. Now that we have a van we're borrowing and will soon have our own car (Thanks Nickle's!), I can actually go to the grocery store I want to go to and when I want to go. Isn't that amazing?! I am hoping that will help me budget better and buy only the food we need for that week. It's hard to plan too far ahead because food here just doesn't last long. And since we don't have a very big freezer, I can't store too much. I even have to freeze the meat I will use in two days so that it will not go bad. Amazing how fast bread will get moldy too...
I am also making all of Seth's food now. Again, due to the food not lasting long and not having the freezer space to store food, I feel like I am constantly making Seth's food. It's not a big deal or anything, but I wish I could at least store some! I guess it's good that he is eating such fresh produce. On the other hand, I have run into problems with him eating vegetables. I have been researching at what age he can eat certain fruits and vegetables, and so far I have found only one vegetable that is available here now that I can make. And when I went to the store yesterday, they didn't even have any! At least he is chowing down on the fruit right now and loving it! I had read that babies eat just a teaspoon or tablespoon or two and will work up to more and more food, but Seth has been eating entire bowls of food since we started three weeks ago. I guess he was ready?! He is such a fun and relaxed kid. :)
Oh, and I have some new blogging friends...YEAH! I mentioned before how I love to read blogs, and these lovely ladies actually post lots. Oh happy day! Both Julie and Michelle live here in Hungary and are wonderful women. Check them out! And Audrey, did you notice some of that alliteration I used just for you?!
Kristen, where do you guys go to church? Just curious... :)
I am with you on the baby food. I was really late getting Jasper food and he is loving it now, but WONT eat any of my homemade pureed veggies. It is annoying, so I have been buying jarred food, which is EXPENSIVE...I keep telling Jasper he is going to starve if he doesn't eat this good homeade stuff because I am not buying jars forever. At least I can just mash up fruit for him to eat and that is good. My doctor said he needs to start eating meat, so the jars are helpful for that, but he is much pickier that Eli. Oh well...
Glad I found your blog... are you guys here this summer?
I am glad for your blog cause I am going to miss you guys since we(the nickles) are leaving in 2 days..hard to believe. Hope to see you tonight at dinner. I will keep up on the blog from the make sure there are pictures of Seth we want to see how much he grows over the year.
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