Happy birthday!
Today was quite the busy day. I headed down to the Embassy once again this afternoon to go pick up Seth's passport. I wish you all could see the picture. It's hilarious. His head looks, well, weird. I was pretty proud of myself because I did all of it by myself though! Someone important was in town today from the US. There were all sorts of special cars, extra security, and lots of very sharp looking people in nice suits waiting for him or her when I got there. There were also a ton of people with appointments at the Embassy, compared to only a few last week. I thought I was going to have to wait in the huge line, but then the security guard escorted me all the way through the entire process, even to the buzzer door. I assume it was because I had a baby, but for whatever the reason, I was back in the car less than 20 minutes later. Record timing baby! Although, I must say that I got many looks from people not sure of why I got the special treatment. Plus, the line had only moved like one person the whole time I was gone!
Tonight we celebrated Whittington's birthday. We had barbeque chicken pizza (her favorite) and her favorite strawberry cake and ice cream. I took a picture of both Whittington eating her cake and the ice cream. This vanilla ice cream is so good and creamy. The reason why I took a picture of the ice cream is because of the name "Madártej," which literally translates to "bird milk." Last time I checked, bird's don't make milk. But I think I read that it's an expression meaning "floating island." Correct me if I'm wrong! I still have no idea what that has to do with the ice cream, but perhaps it's just the name or something.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I believe Seth knows when it's "Embassy day" because he had a similar issue this week before we left as he did last week! He had to get another quick bath before we had to leave, and he enjoyed every minute of it. I swear he knows!
And I am posting just a few random pictures taken recently. Continued software problems = few pictures and no videos. One of these days maybe everything will be working... one of these days...
Well done! Managing the projectile poop issues of your darling son, navigating Budapest with baby in tow, and celebrating the birthday of a friend in style...whew! I never doubted your abilities. :) Can't wait to see all this action in person! Love ya.
He is a cutie! Growing quickly too. We miss him (and his parents too)! Love Grandpa D
So what's the story behind the onesie?? Seth is so cute and growing up so quickly!!! I can't believe that he'll be more than 2 years old the first time we actually get to MEET him. Glad you're having fun with friends - and that you were able to bake a cake. I don't think I'd do so well with all the cooking issues :) You're such a champ!
Kevin wanted Seth to be called Steven and always called him that.
I love the new pictures! Thanks for finally posting some!
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