Friday, December 10, 2010

the redeemer has overcome every obstacle

Today, I got to help Courtney from Women Living Well with her post on "Christmas Traditions around the World." I was so honored that she asked me to help, and I had some help myself on some details that I didn't know since I'm not Hungarian. ;)

This morning we had to go to the immigration office to get new address cards (since we moved again back in September) and a residency permit for Kate. Julianna is the woman who helps us with all of our paperwork to reside in this country legally, and she is amazing. She and her family moved here to Hungary as refugees after the war in Serbia started and have lived here ever since. Her husband is from Madagascar! They all speak several languages, and that amazes me as well. Beautiful family.

Anyway, Julianna and I were talking today about how life is "easier" as Christians. Of course life is not easy (don't we all know!), but at least when we follow Christ and do what he asks us to do, we know that it is all done for him and because of him, that there is a higher purpose and meaning to life. We have faith that even though life is difficult and things don't work out the way we think they should, we know that God is still in control and will use the situations to bring people to Him and glory to Himself. She has been talking to her neighbors about a situation, and they cannot see or understand the peace that Julianna has because they do not know the Lord. I am SO glad that I serve a God who is bigger than me, and not only that, but that he offers that relationship to anyone who wants it!

There are a lot of burdens on my heart this Christmas, and as I continue to turn these burdens back onto the Lord, I am humbled to know that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords listens to me, knows and understands me better than I even do, and that he DESIRES to be in relationship with me, little insignificant me!

Lots of ministry opportunities during the Christmas holiday season. Lots of people who feel that they don't need God because they have everything they need. Lots of people who feel that they don't need God because He hasn't ever done anything for them in life. But as Julianna and I were talking, we all NEED God, and I cannot fathom how others who do not know Him make it through life without Him. I desire for my Hungarian friends to feel that need, that emptiness in their lives, and to come to know Him!

We serve a risen King who was born in a "stable turned into holy ground." The sacrificial lamb once and for all. For you. For me. For everyone.
The Redeemer has overcome every obstacle:
The Earth is free, and Heaven is open.
(Two lines in their literal English translation from the original French of "O Holy Night")

And just because they are so sweet and it will make the grandmas happy :)...

The whole series of shots of trying to get the two of them sitting and looking at the camera at the same time is over there on the side bar. I just wanted ONE picture for my sister who sent them new pajamas on December 6th for Mikulás Nap! I guess it was too much to ask for. ;) But that kiss was super sweet!

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