Another gorgeous day with temps in the mid 70's! We played outside almost every moment Seth was awake, and he still cried and fell to the ground when he had to come in for his nap this afternoon. This mother happened to walk by with her crying child, and the only thing I understood that she said was "I understand." Ha ha!
But we have experienced a new first with Seth... stinky feet.
The other day we came in from outside and I could just smell stinky feet. I assumed it was Kevin after sweating and playing volleyball. Kevin said, "It's not my feet!" And they certainly weren't mine. We both looked at Seth. Sure enough his feet smelled AWFUL! I mean I thought I was going to vomit at the smell. He of course thought this was hilarious and then tried to put them in our faces. What a stinker.
And after a long day of playing outside, tonight was no better. I have to come up with some sort of solution because this kid has seriously the stinkiest feet for being so little. I didn't know one could stink so much!
Is it because of his shoes? Put them through the washer.
What kind of shoes was he wearing?
I'm sure Kevin is VERY proud of Seth's stinky feet. :) Another thing that we've done after washing our shoes is putting dryer sheets (do you have those over there?) in them after we take them off for the night. If you don't have access to dryer sheets... I don't know what else to tell you. ;) Glad you had such a nice time on the retreat.
Are they the sandals that I gave you? (Stride rite). Ericka and I both realized that Grant and Daniel's feet smelled horrible. They were due to those sandals (Grant had the same ones).
Asher has horribly stinky feet too! He gets out of the bath and they are still disgusting. Maybe it is a boy thing. :)
that is so funny... I haven't noticed Jaspers yet.
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