Well, I spoke too soon about our internet working at is went out shortly after I posted Tuesday. It did come back on sometime late yesterday. I was telling someone that if this were a "cultural" thing that you just had to live with because that's the way the internet is here for everyone, then I might be frustrated but realize it was just part of life. But it's not that. No one else has had as many problems as we have had, thus I have felt justified in complaining. We'll see how long it will work this time. It's been 24 hours I think.
Today we had our first official day of spring weather...sun shining and warmer temperatures. I was SOOOO happy. It's been cold and gray here for far too long. Seth and I spent hours outside this afternoon as we walked to the eye doctor to order new contacts (who by the way instantly remembered me, even said my name, despite me having been there only one other time last October for the same reason), to the grocery store, and around town. Lots of people were out. I saw several Hungarians I knew. One of them even walked with me for a bit (she is in love with Seth), but I speak more Hungarian than she speaks English so you can imagine how choppy our conversation, or lack thereof, was. Many neighbors were also out walking their dogs, and Seth insisted on visiting with every single dog. He loves those animals, and the old women out walking the dogs loved having Seth come visit them. We thoroughly enjoyed our time outside, and I think this summer Seth will want to be outside every moment he can. He loves it. That's a good thing, but I didn't like the temper tantrum he threw when he had to come in for a nap. But he survived and slept super long, probably exhausted from running around outside for so long. :)
I have also gotten a chance to hang out with Gary and Kim and baby Ethan a lot the last couple days. By the way, they just started blogging, so you should check them out. (Mom, I say this mainly for you because I know how much you like them!) It has been fun, and I have forgotten just how little newborns are! I got to hold Ethan a lot last night as he fell asleep in my arms. :) But Wednesday night Kim took some adorable pictures of Seth and Ethan, so I am posting a few of my favorites. It was hard to choose because they were too cute!
Of course Seth was more interested in the play gym than Ethan and even more interested than he was of his own many many months ago. My how quickly he has grown and changed! Seth really didn't seem to have much interest in Ethan until the play gym came out. And then Seth noticed the car wheels on his outfit, and of course anything circular is "ball." He also became interested in his feet as Ethan moved them about. I told Ethan to punch Seth when he got close, and instead Seth decided to pull a fist back. He is all boy, and we are in trouble! (But I do love that he is all boy!) And I love how Seth decided to lie down on Ethan's leg all of a sudden. It was so random, and we were just laughing. Enjoy these pictures. :)
1 comment:
Totally Daniel- he loves being outside; even when it is freezing.
He kept saying, "I'll fight you" the other day- totally boy. I couldn't figure it out. Then we were reading David and Goliath tonight (one of his favorite Bible stories he has memorized) and Goliath says he wants to "fight" so, Daniel now says it too. Haha.
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