Any guesses what I might write about today?!
I am incredibly grateful for the 18ish pound little boy who brings me joy every day, SETH NORMAN!!!
Today is his first birthday. I can hardly believe it. One year. Where has the time gone?! He is growing fast, changing every day as he discovers new things. He is happy 99% of the time. He is the most laid back kid ever who just goes with the flow and adjusts quickly. He loves people. He loves getting into anything he can. He loves moving non-stop, although he also loves to settle down to sleep. He loves to point at everything and jabber away about anything he pleases. He makes me smile and brings us such great joy. I just can't say how grateful I am for our little guy!
To think back a year is crazy. So much has happened. So many fears. So many questions. So many thoughts. A lot of it is a blur as we juggled having only been here for a few months and then bringing home a new baby without a car or most basic necessities like crib, stroller, or car seat. We didn't even have any clothes for him because they were in a crate that was sitting in customs. And we didn't know how we would pay for our hospital bill. I think back to how the Lord provided once again. The hospital gave us some outfits and blankets. The White's let us borrow their car while they were away for several weeks. The Lang's let us use their crib. Families from my old school bought and shipped us a pack 'n play. The Hollowell's brought us a stroller and car seat travel system from the US later that week. And our faithful friends and family gave so much of their financial resources to help us pay for all of the medical expenses.
Someone asked me earlier this week if we had everything we wanted and needed for Seth. I think this kid has everything he needs. As far as wants, well, I don't know what awesome things exist in baby world these days, so I'm sure if I knew I'd probably want some things for him. But it's not about any of that. He's happy and healthy, and that's all I really want.
Seth celebrated his birthday this afternoon with the high schoolers. It was absolutely precious. They sang to him (which was hilarious because he covered his ears half way through), hugged him, held him, and played with him. They ate all the cupcakes. I kept a few aside to share with my ELI class tonight, and I carried home only 4 out of the 120. Not bad. Glad I made two dozen more than I had originally intended! It was a lovely little party. And I still have no desire to see another cupcake for a long, long time.
Below he is playing with a play birthday cake set that sweet Izabella brought him. Her kids are older and have outgrown it but thought Seth might like to have it. I was so touched by that! And he did enjoy throwing all of the little wooden pieces around on the floor. :)
Happy Birthday buddy! Sorry we couldn't be there. Love Grandpa.
Happy Birthday, Seth!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, LITTLE MAN!! I'm sitting here reading this post with Grandma Dunham :) She loves seeing these pictures and videos as her computer at home does not allow her to see them normally. I can't believe it has been a full year already... time certainly flies by! And it looks like you're still having a blast :) We love you and miss you! Give Seth hugs and kisses from the entire Dunham/Smith/DeHaven/Luckey family!!
Wow! Time does fly. Happy Birthday Seth! :)
Happy birthday Seth!!!
I love you!!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Seth!
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