Monday, August 25, 2008

just another monday

I have discovered some new and fun stores to shop at around here. It's amazing what you can find when you have a car! :)

I also found the first squash of the season at the grocery store today. That is Seth's favorite, although he seems to like just about everything.

The first full week of school here. Everyone will be tired shortly. The first full week is always long, or at least it was at the elementary level when kids were adjusting to being in school all day. Although I honestly miss the kiddos, I don't miss the teaching right now.

Should probably go hang out the laundry to dry...


Whittington McLemore said...

wipe the tear...I wish I was there to start with y'all.

jennifer said...

I DO miss teaching... but I know that i'm where God wants me right now.

I think about my little guys all the time. Especially during this time of year!