23 hours from now Seth and I will be sitting on a plane and taking off, headed back to Hungary. It feels like we just got here and now we're going back. My how time flies when you're having fun!
It'll be a long day since we don't leave the US till late Sunday night and then will arrive in Budapest around dinner time Monday. Amazing though that the actual amount of time we will spend in the air and during our layover to get all the way back is only 12 hours! I thought that was impressive.
I've been packing all afternoon trying to figure out how to get everything back. Well, I can't get everything back, but my parents are coming to visit us again this summer and will bring with them everything I can't fit. I am sure Kevin is rolling his eyes reading this.
But we are super excited to see Kevin! We are also excited to see our friends, so you'd better be planning a party for our return. Just kidding. I think I am just going to sleep as much as I can the first few days back. I'll work on getting pictures downloaded and whatnot too. They are mainly of Daniel (my nephew) and Seth. Daniel was such a hoot with Seth, and I am sure my sister will be hearing "baby" and "titen" (my name) a lot over the next few days. At least we know we'll be missed!
I should head to bed, especially knowing that I probably won't get any sleep tomorrow night. Seth will be in the Baby Bjorn carrier the whole time like last time. Pray that we have safe travels back. I just wish I could blink and be back and not have to do the whole travel part with a baby.
So I'll write once I'm back on the other side of the Atlantic...
I'm so tired...
We'll miss you! I'm crying already...
Daniel and I cried together after you left.
I think your picasa album of the US didn't work for some reason.
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