Saturday, June 9, 2007

out of control

I haven't written in several weeks for many reasons. Life has been insanely busy with trying to wrap up the end of the school year, continuing to raise support for our ministries in Hungary, and selling a house. First one done, last two to go...

Things have been a little more than stressful recently. We have been thrown a few curve balls that we weren't exactly ready for, and yet we have seen God's hand guide us through these things. I guess I am making more of a mental note of this for myself than anyone else as I won't be going into any more details at this point in time. I just want to write this down for myself so that in weeks, months, and years to come I can look back and see just how God orchestrated all of this for his good and perfect will. Well, and I have to be realistic and realize that I may never understand how God used these situations in our lives, but I still want to be able to give him credit for being in control when I feel that things are so out of control right now.

So I have been learning a lot. Some lessons I wish I didn't have to learn, and others I am so grateful for. I have learned a lot about people. God has really created some awesome people in this world. We hear about the bad all of the time on the news, and I have had the pleasure of experiencing some of the neatest people who completely trust God and encourage us in the process. My parents and grandparents are some of the most Godly people I know, and I continue to meet more people who reflect his character daily.

Needless to say, these last few months have been such a time of growing for us. I still struggle on a daily basis on trusting God to supply our needs so that we can minister in Hungary, a calling I have had for years and one that God has placed on Kevin's heart more recently. That in itself has been one of the most awesome things... But anyway, God is continually teaching me to rely on him.

Oh, and it looks like my ministry in Hungary might be changing. That's not a definite thing, nor do I know what that means. More details to come in future months!

Thanks for the encouragement and prayers!

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