Monday, April 16, 2007

my little hedgehog

"Hi Kris. This is Nusi from Hungary."

Guess what?! I got a phone call this afternoon from my little hedgehog, my dearest Nusi. She is my forever Hungarian friend and "sister" so to speak. When I went to Hungary for the first time, it was a missions trip/exchange program, and I lived with Nusi and her family for that summer. She came to the US and lived with my family that winter. We have kept in touch ever since, although sporadic. We usually call at Christmas and when we remember each other's birthdays. We have been emailing back and forth more vigorously as our impending move draws closer. She is very excited for Kevin and me to come. She has tried calling several times, but we haven't been home any of those times! So finally today we connected. It was so exciting!

My favorite part that every time she calls she always says that "This is Nusi from Hungary." As if I know any other Nusi's? It was so good to hear her voice and her perfect English spoken in her Hungarian accent. "How do you say...?" was the start of many sentences as we quickly caught up on what was going on with each other's families.

Anyway, talking to my little hedgehog was the highlight of my weekend.

By the way, the hedgehog is some sort of term of endearment over there, or at least that's what she told me it translates to. Somehow I grabbed onto this, and I have been calling her my little hedgehog ever since. "Oh Kris, you're so silly" she says. I look forward to seeing her in a few months!

The picture up top is of us when I was there during student teaching. She would obviously be the one on the far right.

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