"It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me." Daniel 4:2
We are no longer home owners!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right. Our house is sold. There is a whole lot of praise and thanksgiving going on over here to our Heavenly Father. :)
I can't even describe all that the Lord did in an amazing amount of time. No doubt his hand was in it the whole time. No doubt. Seriously AMAZING!
Matt and Leah did so much for us. We are indebted to them. We see them one month from today!!! We would have never made it through all of this house stuff without them. We love you guys so much!!!
We feel like we have freedom now, freedom to stay or freedom to go wherever the Lord wants us. We don't have to think, worry, or make decisions based on that home ever again.
And peace.
And gratitude.
And just a tad bit sad since it was our first home. Kevin doesn't feel any sadness though. ;)
A huge "Kranks Jesus!"
By the way, Seth told us in the car this evening that Jesus is coming. I don't know why he said that, but that's what he told us. We asked when, but he never answered. :)
Rejoicing with you! That's awesome!
Yeah GOD!
So happy for you! Yay!!!!! We miss you guys....
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