And congrats to my cousin Aimee and her husband Shane on the birth of their first baby girl Parker Joy last night!!!
Kate had her first tooth pop through two weeks ago, and I can't tell if there is another one now or not. But I gave Kate her first tooth brush the other morning.
I'd say she likes it. :)
This is her face of sheer happiness. Love it. :)
Seth will find any puddle he can to jump in. This one near the end of our driveway fills up pretty quickly. Seth jumps in it whenever he can, especially when the water is muddy and he is all dressed up for church or graduation.
And this picture looks like he should have a stuffed tiger friend named Hobbes jumping with him from stone to stone.
Seth has also been trying to wear my flip flops around the last two days. Why? I don't know, but it's hilarious to watch him get his toes in there and try walking in them.
those are fun pics. Such a bummer we couldn't get together before we left... please come visit us!!!!
Thanks for the shout-out!! Sorry I haven't seen this until now... this is the first time I've gotten onto blogspot to read my friends' postings. :) I'm all caught up now and SO glad that Kate is back to her happy self and feeling well. And PRAISE GOD on the house sale! I knew it was happening from your FB posts, but it's so wonderful to know that it's all said and done. Our closing is this coming week and I couldn't agree more with all of your words regarding the entire situation. Granted - we haven't had to deal with it for NEAR as long as you guys, but we are still just as grateful that God chose to provide a buyer in just the right time. :) He's so good like that...
Can't wait to talk to you again soon! Love you all. :)
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