The hippos were out enjoying the sun as well. The last time we were at the zoo (May 2009) they were in the water and opening up their mouths to be fed. It amazes me just how close you can get to the animals. You can see Kevin and Seth there in the picture right next to the hippos!
This elephant certainly enjoyed playing in the water today. Again, you can get so close. I didn't zoom in at all for this picture as I was standing right next to the water!
This picture makes me laugh. Where in the US can animals just lean over the fence and get you?! I did get to pet him. They feel just like a horse. Seth was excited to pet the giraffe as well until it actually came over. Then he screamed, "NOOOOOO!"
Here is what Kate thought...
But other people's kids enjoyed petting them. :)
And then my camera battery died... Bummer.
Seth was also excited to pet the camels as well, but again, when they came near him, he decided he did NOT want to touch them. Amazing that animals that bite and spit can just stick their necks over the fence for visitors to touch. In the zoo's defense, there is a sign warning you that they bite and spit. :) Oh my.
I used Zack's camera for a bit to take some pictures of Seth in with the goats. He didn't want to go in at first and pet them, but it didn't take too long for him to change his mind. Then he was touching them and yelling, "Gotcha! Ha ha!" Zack said he'd email the pictures after he gets back home, so I'll post them later. I think I got at least a couple good ones.
We saw other animals, and Seth was super excited about it. I wish we could have stayed a little longer or that my camera hadn't died. Oh well. On the way home I remembered that we didn't go into the part where there are kangaroos hopping around! We actually missed a bunch of stuff, but Kate was overly tired and we were trying to make it home for afternoon naps. We did have a nice time and maybe we can go back again in the fall or even next spring when nap times might be a bit more flexible for one little girl. :)
Wow- you can get close!!!!
That amazes me! Love the picture of Kate and your caption!
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