Saturday, January 31, 2009

no auction for me

As we were putting Seth's shoes on to head out the door for the auction tonight, he got sick. Poor little guy. Several saltine crackers and lots of cuddle time later, he is asleep and hasn't thrown up again. Praise the Lord. He was jabbering away though and seemed fine after he ate a few crackers, so I felt better too. (And I did enjoy the cuddle time where he wasn't squirming to break free!) I hate seeming him sick though. Besides the couple colds he's had this winter, Seth hasn't been sick, so I can't complain. I am constantly thanking the Lord that he is a healthy little boy!

Kevin didn't win anything at the auction. Kind of a bummer, but that's okay.

And for Spiritual Emphasis Week, thanks to all of you who prayed for me in regards to that. I am only helping one day. I feel bad, but the Lord knew. And now with not knowing how Seth will be feeling, it's a good thing. I feel much more relaxed and less stressed.


Julie said...

sorry Kevin didn't win anything... that is a bummer. We weren't able to go due to kids being sick. Poor Eli he has this cough that won't go away and it gets so bad he vomits and then he will have a temp and then not. I don't get it. He already missed a week of school. And then while we were at the doctors for me, he asked to check the boys out and Jasper ended up with an ear infection, but he was acting fine with no problems... I don't get it. And I can understand it because he has 4 teeth coming in at once and his nose is runny from it... ugh. But this is Jasper's first ear infection, so I am grateful for that.

Glad you got cuddle time, it is the best!!! And glad he is feeling better.

The Langs said...

We missed you at the auction...we only spent 3,000 ft, froot loops and a cool cinderella tshirt for Miriam....
ready to get together again sometime...