Saturday was our 5th anniversary. My how time flies! It truly is hard to believe that we have been married for 5 years. I know that's not super long, especially compared to people like my grandparents who have been married for 52 years, but it certainly has been a great and an eventful 5 years. Kevin wrote a nice little blog post about it, too. Thanks dearest. :)
We are living in our 4th place of residence (5th if you count our short stint in Houghton when we lived in the dorms and worked with Upward Bound), and we have worked 15 jobs between the two of us (and that's lumping ALL tutoring into one category!). Kevin mentioned a lot of that. And if you were to ask me five years ago if I thought we'd be living in Hungary with a one year old, I'd tell you no. Who knows where we'll be or what we'll be doing in another 5 years!
We have been without internet for several days. I have no idea why, but it has been frustrating. Seth is napping, so I thought I'd get this in before we lose the internet again for who knows how long.
I am sick AGAIN. I have no idea why I have been sick so much this winter. Someone said it's because my immune system has slacked off with not being around germ-filled kids all day while teaching. Perhaps it's that or something else, but I am sick of being sick. I can't smell, taste, or hear anything. Ugh.
And I just got off the phone with a certain company who, after putting me on hold for 41 minutes and 26 seconds, told me that I can't order anything online from them because I live overseas. Despite my billing address AND my shipping address all being in the US, their order system recognizes that our laptop's IP address where I ordered the items from online is international and therefore will automatically not accept the order. I could sense myself wanting to have mean words with the person in the order department whose fault it was not, but I thought better of it and remained nice and calm while trying to explain my situation and how much their system did not make sense. It was very frustrating. I got some Christmas money and just wanted to order a couple pairs of much-needed pants!! The whole thing still does not make any sense, but I am grateful that in the end this guy was willing to cheat the system to help me out. Thank you misc. man!
Now to finish this long post, a few more wedding pictures...
By the way, we all weren't digital even 5 years ago, so these were some off of a cd that I found in our stuff (can't believe we brought it with us!) that Kevin's brother in-law took. I picked these two because they are funny. And I realize now that they BOTH have to do with Shane. Ha!

Jenny (one of my old roommates) is dancing there with Kevin's buddy Ben while Kevin and Shane have some dancing time together, too. Shane and Kevin were roommates in college, and Shane married my cousin Aimee. We love and miss them to death. We lived a few miles down the road from each other when we were first married and living in Orchard Park, NY.

This picture makes me laugh because I remember trying to lie down across their laps and still having the dress look nice, etc. It was very awkward. The professional picture turned out great but funny too because my brother (on the left end there) was holding most of me and my dress while Ben (on the right end) just held my hand. Kevin always laughs at that picture too. As you can see, Shane was whispering a really funny secret to me. I don't remember now what he said but I do remember trying not to laugh so hard because I was sitting awkwardly on all of these guys' laps!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YAIKOS! I love the pics. Such a great memory. I remember there were 3 of your bridesmaids who weren't engaged at the time so (I don't remember her name.. the red head) went out and bought fake looking engagement rings for us to wear. hee hee... I still have it somewhere.
I remember that, too! Julie is "the red head," who is now married with two adorable kiddos!
Hahaha. Why didn't you post the awesome picture of me defeating Julie and Kristie in the boquet toss?! Victory! :)
Oh Shane...
I remember the bouquet toss! Vicious! Oh yea, I remember Julie. It's amazing to think of how we were back then and how far we've come.
Love ya
Happy Anniversary!
So I'm the worst cousin EVER... I have it written all over my calendar to call you (THIS PAST SATURDAY) and I still forgot. I'm so sorry! But Happy Belated Anniversary!!!! So hard to believe that it was 5 years ago... and so funny to see these pictures of Shane. He looks so litte! And I will always remember our hubbies and their man-love - ahh... memories ;)
Happy Anniversary! I did buy those rings for us...because we wanted to be a beautiful bride (and person) like you! Hope you feel better soon!
Ah, memories! I love your pics, your dress is beautiful! I'm curious as to what you did with it. Mine is hanging up in a closet at my parents' house.
Happy Anniversary!
Stef, no pictures of the bouquet toss because they weren't on this cd, but that is such a great memory that the real photographer caught on film. :)
Aimee, much love. Enough said.
Julie, I have this hilarious picture of you and my brother dancing. Maybe I'll post that one, too!
Michelle, my mom got my dress preserved. It's sitting in someone's closet at their house I think.
Happy (belated) anniversary!!! You look beautiful in your wedding photos.
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