Our internet has been going in and out the last few days, mainly out. It is working right now, Seth is napping right now, and the peppermint patties I made are drying right now. I am taking advantage of this time to blog.
I made a batch of cookie dough last night to make some Christmas cookies. My mom and I both wonder how in the world the recipe says it makes 48 cookies because mine definitely made about 10 dozen. Crazy. And I am making peppermint patties this afternoon, and one batch made about 12 dozen. Double crazy. I have no desire to eat any sweets after making all of these the last two days.
Audrey is coming over tonight to watch Christmas movies. Tis the season. Kevin and I have watched three Christmas movies so far, and every single one of them took place in Chicago. Makes me miss home so much.
And here is a picture I stole from a student. I like it because it says "Merry Christmas" in just a few of the native languages that students at our school speak.

Tomorrow night we are having Christmas dinner with Nusi, Zsolt, Gabi, and a few other Hungarian friends. I am looking forward to it!
Off to finish the peppermint patties...
How do you make peppermint patties?
I would like to know as well!
We miss you too! Headed downtown tomorrow. Love Dad
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