Romans 8:25-27
"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."
Ryan passed away this morning. My heart is grieving for the family. I have thought countless times today of Ryan being in heaven with perfectly functioning lungs and breathing perfectly for the first time ever. I have thought of how Ryan is no longer in need of a ventilator and breathing without trouble. And Ryan was able to donate some organs to save someone else's life. We were praying for the donor and the family of the donor when we were praying for Ryan to receive lungs, and it's amazing to think how God ended up using his life to save someone else's. My heart still aches, but I am glad that Ryan is in a much better place.
I did get to talk to Kristin for a bit, and I had no idea what to say. My friend Audrey sent me the verse above, and I so appreciated it. I am glad the Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf at my lack of words. Kristin and the family, we love you and continue to uplift you in prayer!
Kris and Kevin, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Ryan. I remember meeting him at your wedding. I'm praying for you both and his family. We serve an awesome God whose ways are higher than ours.
Blessings friends,
My thoughts are with you today. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Ryan. I am praying for his family. It is wonderful to think about him in Heaven with our Father and without trouble.
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