Friday, April 4, 2008

a few pictures

I was wondering why my post yesterday said Friday and not Thursday. Then I realized that even though I am in the US, my blog is on Hungarian time, so it's posting at the time it is there and not here. I really wasn't up at 3 a.m.

I am very pleased to say that Seth is adjusting to the time change remarkably well. He is sleeping his usual 10-12 hours at night. It is wonderful!!!

Here are some fun pictures of my nephew Daniel and Seth. Daniel absolutely LOVES Seth to death. He says "Hi baby" like every 3 minutes. He wants to share all of his toys with baby and kiss him and hold him and play with him. We keep reminding him to just not poke him in the eye in all of his excitement. Seth smiles a ton at Daniel, so the affection is reciprocated.


Seth loves to look at and play with anyone's hand.

Playing together!

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