Saturday, March 3, 2007

thoughts from Dr. James

My dad sent me this little piece by Dr. James MacDonald from his website, and I have attached it below. As you can obviously see, it made a lot of sense to me, and I thought I would share it with all dreamers out there.

I think one of the biggest things I have been learning is that God really does care about these things in my life. I have never really doubted that he cared for me, but I didn't always believe that he could use the desires of my heart to serve him in some way. I think many people think that serving God means you have to do something that you don't like or along those lines. Of course that does not mean that it's all fun and easy, and that doesn't mean that we won't be asked to do something that really challenges us that we won't like. God has just been showing me that when I seek him and ask him to use me in accomplishing his will, he is able to do abundantly more than I can ever think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The New Living Translation says that "he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope."

So even though my dream seems like an impossibility at times, God is able to do anything. As I see the little details of our departure coming together, I am amazed to see how HE is working out these details, all to bring glory to himself. I know that it is only because of him.

Enjoy the thoughts of Dr. James MacDonald...

Are You Dreaming?
By James MacDonald
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." Ephesians 2:8-10

What are your dreams for the future? You have some, right? Your dreams are about what matters most to you. Ask yourself, If I could see God do anything with my life, what would it be?

You could be saying, “Well, I don’t have any dreams like that.” I think you do. Take another minute and reflect. Sometimes we don’t focus on our dreams because we’re fearful they won’t come true.

Put those objections aside and let God give you a vision for your life—something big. Something only He could orchestrate. Ephesians 2:10 explains God’s purpose for your life as: You “are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.”

So let’s dream a little: Does that something great God has prepared for you to do relate to your career? Does it involve what happens in your home with your spouse and/or kids? Is it about you being part of what God is doing at your church? Maybe God has His sights set beyond all that. Maybe He’s thinking globally!

Of course in all this dreaming remember you can do nothing great for God by yourself. It’s nothing short of incredible to think Almighty God would stoop to work through broken and imperfect vessels like us in the first place, not to mention doing something big for His own glory. But that’s always been His strategy. Amazing!

Determine to spend some time thinking about and asking God to show you what big dream He has for you to accomplish this year and in years to come. Fight the urge to rationalize all the reasons why it can’t happen. (I’m too young/too old. This is too big of a dream. I’m not able.) Pour out your prayers in your journal or talk with a trusted friend about how you would love for God to use you.

Believe that God sovereignly orders the pieces of your life to make you a fruitful part of His plan. In this moment, things may not be exactly as you would hope them to be but gain strength from the promise of Philippians 1:6 that God continues a work in your life that He fully intends to finish.

Taken from How To Make Your Dreams Come True, copyright 2007 by James MacDonald. Used by permission of Walk In The Word, Grand Rapids, MI 4950l. All rights reserved. Visit Walk In The Word's The Weekly Walk at


Anonymous said...

This is so very true. I asked these same questions a few years ago... is my dream too big? Am I capable of doing this? When I realized that it's not my own strength that will make these things happen. Isn't funny how quickly we forget? Thanks for this post - and thanks for sending the blog info. It's good to see all the updates :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

You've always had a heart for the Hungarians and we are so glad that you are pursuing that love God has given to you for them. You will never be disappointed in following God and His leading.